Legal counsel may be used in conjunction with other experts.

Collaboration firmly guides you and your spouse/family through dispute resolution without litigation.

You have a choice of how to handle your civil and family disputes. The key is to educate yourself about your options. That choice includes proceeding with alternative dispute resolutions such as Collaborative Law and Mediation.

Collaborative Practice is an alternative to litigation where clients take control of their future. Clients are represented by trained collaborative counsel who work together to reach a fair and reasonable settlement agreement. By taking a team approach, the process is a way to resolve a dispute in an amicable, safe and confidential setting and protecting your legal rights.

Everyone at the collaborative table has an investment in coming to a resolution. If the process does go to litigation, both collaborative attorneys remove themselves as counsel. In comparison to litigation, the collaborative process is put on your time clock and handled in a civilized process. This is due to the elimination of discovery depositions, motions and court appearances.

Mediation is an impartial third party mediates a resolution. This process, if there are willing participants is cost and time effective. It also allows for confidentiality and creativity in coming to an agreement. This results in a mutually beneficial outcome by the parties instead of an individual or jury deciding the result.

Divorce mediation allows the Husband and Wife or same sex couples to control major decisions that affect their post-marital situation. Litigation, on the other hand, leaves the decision up to the Court. If there are children involved, you as a parent knows best what environment and situation would be in the best interest and this process allows you both to decide and agree to those choices.

Most importantly, mediation allows for a resolution and the creation of a solution allows for a continued relationship, which is particularly worthwhile when co-parenting. Everyone at the collaborative table has an investment in coming to a resolution. If the process does go to litigation, both collaborative attorneys remove themselves as counsel. In comparison to litigation, the collaborative process is put on your time clock and handled in a civilized process. This is due to the elimination of discovery depositions, motions and court appearances.

Karen L. Argetsinger, Esq.110 Cedar Street Suite 250 Wellesley Hills, MA 02481781.431.2231(o)