Legal counsel may be used in conjunction with other experts.

Health and Legal Professionals working together to find a solution.

Doctors and Lawyers are both problem solvers who together can work to make a difference in people’s lives. This difference can be found in all facets from working with the doctors to train them to handle conflict in a more effective way or bringing together a potential plaintiff and doctor or medical professional in a medical negligence situation to seek out a resolution. By taking a collaborative approach toward medical error and negligence has the potential for being cost-effective, decrease in liability, understanding and continue working relationships. Karen also mediates employment disputes within the hospital.

Karen is a Collaborative Facilitator who brings doctors, medical professionals, risk management hospital personnel, insurance representatives and potential plaintiffs to the table to negotiate and work towards a resolution by avoiding a court action. Facilitating between Plaintiff’s in medical malpractice cases and doctors/hospitals to come to a resolution is what the goal is.

Compassion and the use of an apology are incredibly powerful and effective tools in resolution.

Health policy for children’s issues is also a passion and legacy that Karen pursues in continuing in her father’s legacy. Children deserve a voice.

Karen does pro bono work with the Medical Legal Partnership of Boston.

Karen L. Argetsinger, Esq.110 Cedar Street Suite 250 Wellesley Hills, MA 02481781.431.2231(o)